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【生肉/ACT/扶她/伪娘】Max_The_Elf_DEMO – 萌幻之乡




游戏 源233 - 23


Hello! Enjoy our public demo of the upcoming ero game “Max the Elf ♂”!
Our patreon: patreon.com/tHoodie
Our plans for future updates: Updates and information link!

Update 23-03-2021: Fixed bug with Eggy plant not working, fixed typo in lore screen, fixed patchnote screen!

Update 16-03-2021: Laamie is done and added to the game!
Update 02-02-2021: LEVEL 2 IS FINISHED! Check it out, it’s live right now for everyone!

Known bugs:

– If you fail the Cleo Riddle and reset, it will sometimes bug out a little, but usually it fixes itself, we’ll have to look into what’s going wrong.
– There’s a typo with page2 in the introduction, music should be magic.
– The bee makes weird glitch sounds on the webgl version, annoying!

NOTE 17 sept. 2020: The Lynx is now completely removed, sorry! We had to out of safety, and to participate in bundle sharing. I hope you can understand.

PLEASE READ: Please make sure you have hardware acceleration on in google chrome, otherwise Max is way too slow!

Thanks for all the feedback guys! We’re trying hard to work on making the game less overwhelming and difficult!



刚好,这几天忙,现在有时间再继续发几个,还是好兄弟 点包 (ID:


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